Please click the button below for more testimonials from Healy users.
Program used: Pain Program - Local Pain (from Healy Holistic Health Edition)
Amazing! Healy even works on grass! And of course plants as well.
93-year old mom sleeps like a babe
using Healy remote programs |
Dr. Carolyn Mcmakin on microcurrent and injury recovery
Microcurrent Frequency expert and clinical director of the Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Clinic of Portland Oregon Dr Caroyln McMakin explains the effects of Microcurrent frequency on injury recovery and performance improvement.
Together with Dr. McMakin, Healy's parent company TimeWaver has developed the TimeWaver Frequency McMakin System, which offers more than 120 automated FSM therapy protocols for the treatment of numerous injuries and diseases. Many of these protocols are available on Healy. |
More Testimonies
Nearly 3 months with my Healy and the change has been amazing. I’m feeling great, best I’ve been feeling for a long time! A little about me, I have RRMS, a left hip replacement, lower back is badly damaged from years of neglect, I suffer from constant pain in my head, menopause, sleeping problems, arthritis in my feet and more. Since having my Healy the discomfort in my head is almost non-existent, I’m able to manage my pain more, hot flushes are gone and I sleep through the night! … no more medication just the Healy. I’ve mostly been running chronic pain, migraine and insomnia programs in Local Stimulation, and then feel good system, Fatigue and nerve balance and balance sleep.” ~ A.P. (12.2020)
“I have just started my 2 week test with the Coherence Program. From Day 1 I felt a massive calming difference. I tested the effect and watched something that would unnerve me. After one program of Coherence I was calm. I AM so GRATEFUL for my Healy and the benefits from all the other programs particularly Bio 2 Gastrointestinal and Meridian 1 Small and Large Intestine. Could not speak more highly of the benefits to me.” ~ E.R. (03.2021)
"After 21 years of ringing in the ear, finally manage to rest well at night just after using Healy for just 5 days. "[Programs used: Pure and Acute Stress]